Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fun, Functional and Accessible

It's wintertime.  It's lazy nights in the living room watching TV and movies.  It's friends and hanging out time.  It's snuggled on the couch with my favorite pooches time.  And nothing snuggles better than a quilt! 

Here is a easy way to store quilts so they are easy to get to by anyone who happens to be hanging out.  No digging in the closets or the cedar chest - just grab a quilt and cuddle up.

Just fold the quilts lengthwise into either quarters or thirds, depending on how large they are and how large the crock is, and then roll them up sleeping bag style and slide them upright into the crock.

Quilts with thinner battings roll easiest and the larger the crock, the more quilts it will hold. 

You can let them be a focal point in the room and compliment your decor or you can tuck in the corner.  Regardless of the location, your quilts will be ready for the next time you need them.

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